Sunday, November 28, 2010

KI Free games!

First, check out the site!:

On Wizard101 talk has an awesome guide on what pries you can win!

KI free games is where you can play all of the cool games from wizard, on your browser!

So anyway, Check it and the wiard101 App Wizblocks. (I believe thats the name). Thier all great games!

Gardening Is Coming To Wiard101!

Woot! Get out your gloves, and grab your shovel it's time to garden!

1. Check out wiasrd101 central. DeathShard has a great guide to all of the plants.

2. Gardening is currently in the test realm. Visit the update notes and Wizard 101 test realm page < There.

3.Me and Paige Moonshadehave been exploring gardening and have found some pretty awesome rewards! We've Also found it takes around 3 days for a plant in regular soil with a couple garden gnomes to get to mature.

A couple know rewards: Gold, Dandylion Seeds, Minion steal health, Blade treasure cards, and reagents.

Also, once your pet reaches a certain point in it's mature stage, You are able to harvest it. You know your plant is ready to harvest when it does a certain action.

For example. Boom shrooms oen and close thier mouths allot more than usual. Despearagus cry.
Dandy lion shake back and forth like a dance.

And many more!

So get you and your green thumb prepared to raise your crops!